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Showing posts from November, 2016

My review of the "Tiger in you" by Shiraz Mukherjee

[Here's a review I did in Goodreads for a book I just finished reading on the 8th of November 2016, which I enjoyed reading and recommend] Tiger In You by Shiraz Mukherjee My rating: 4 of 5 stars This sounded like a fantastic book to read - and it is on one level - Shiraz takes us on a very interesting and enchanting journey into the Sunderbans though the eyes of 5 Mumbai college friends. The characters and the events, who they are and what they encounter are well developed, with the interesting twist of looking for and trying to find, realize the Tiger in each one of us. I highly recommend it. The other fantastic, popular book on the Sunderbans, of course, is the well-written book by Amitav Ghosh - "The Hungry Tide." Ghosh is a better writer than Mukherjee, and had much better editors and proof-readers. I got irritated at some points - for eg on pages 220-221 - the amount of money collected for setting up an insurance fund for honey-bee collectors 'totale...